luxe paperie
by brand by occasion by type by theme sale

9spotmonk design was established in 1999 to pursue the finer details of minimalist design as they are applied to fashion, product, print and web. intense study of hand-letterpress practices soon followed. the mission of 9spotmonk design in hand-letterpress is to create bespoke invitations and correspondence of unrivaled aesthetic beauty and peerless breathtaking quality.

autumn leaves letterpress announcements, invites, stationery
autumn leaves letterpress announcements, invites, stationery

9spotmonk hello to the world letterpress baby card
9spotmonk hello to the world letterpress baby card

bride+groom cheers letterpress wedding congrats card
bride+groom cheers letterpress wedding congrats card

snowflakes letterpress luxe holiday cards LIMITED EDITION
snowflakes letterpress luxe holiday cards LIMITED EDITION

poinsettia artisan letterpress christmas greeting cards LIMITED EDITION
poinsettia artisan letterpress christmas greeting cards LIMITED EDITION
